Here are my ideas about the BASIC programming language. My company recently released a new version of BASIC for web programming called Run BASIC, so I have a lot to blog about. Carl Gundel, author of Liberty BASIC
How would you search for BASIC?
Freedom is essential if you want to live life to the full, and not just in software development. We need to teach what is the best way to live in freedom, not impose a tyranny of suffocating "safety". If we don't build a culture of discipline and excellence then we deserve what we get. If we impose tons of rules to in an effort to prevent people from making mistakes we risk making software development such a burden that few people will want to do it anymore. It should be possible for software development to be an enjoyable activity, and for innovation and discovery to be experienced by newbies and experts. Joy is important in life.
Perhaps I oversimplify, but I hope this communicates an important idea effectively.