Here is a simple demo application for our keyed lookup library in development. It opens a window with keys on the left, and a text editor on the right. You can add new keys and edit the values for those keys by changing text on the right. The values are saved to the file dictionary.dat.
We will enhance this code for a couple more blog entries before we move on to some other project. :-)
WindowWidth = 555
WindowHeight = 438
dim keys$(1000)
dim info$(10, 10)
global dictionary$, keyCount, lastKey$
call readDictionary
texteditor #main.value, 175, 7, 360, 365
listbox #main.keys, keys$(), [keySelected], 5, 7, 160, 365
menu #main, "Key", "New", [newKey], "Delete", [deleteKey]
menu #main, "Edit"
open "Dictionary inspector" for window as #main
#main "trapclose [quit]"
#main.keys "singleclickselect"
#main.value "!autoresize";
call loadKeys
[main.inputLoop] 'wait here for input event
[newKey] 'ask the user for a new key
call saveValue
prompt "Enter a name for the key."; newKey$
if newKey$ <> "" then
call setValueByName newKey$, ""
call loadKeys
#main.keys "select "; newKey$
#main.value "!cls";
#main.value "!setfocus";
call writeDictionary
lastKey$ = newKey$
end if
[deleteKey] 'left for later
notice "Delete not implemented yet."
[keySelected] 'a key in the list was selected
call saveValue
#main.keys "selection? selectedKey$"
selectedValue$ = getValue$(selectedKey$)
#main.value "!contents selectedValue$";
lastKey$ = selectedKey$
[quit] 'End the program
call saveValue
close #main
sub saveValue 'if the value is changed, save it
if lastKey$ <> "" then
#main.value "!modified? modified$";
if modified$ = "true" then
#main.value "!contents? saveThisValue$";
call setValueByName lastKey$, saveThisValue$
call collectGarbage
call writeDictionary
end if
end if
end sub
function getKeys$(delimiter$)
global keyCount
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, "~key~" + key$) = 0 then
getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$
keyList$ = keyList$ + "~key~" + key$
keyCount = keyCount + 1
end if
end if
end function
sub writeDictionary
open "dictionary.dat" for output as #writeDict
print #writeDict, dictionary$
close #writeDict
end sub
sub readDictionary
if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "dictionary.dat") then
open "dictionary.dat" for input as #readDict
length = lof(#readDict)
dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length)
close #readDict
end if
end sub
sub collectGarbage
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, key$) = 0 then
value$ = getValue$(key$)
newDictionary$ = "~key~" + key$ + "~value~" + value$ + newDictionary$
keyList$ = keyList$ + key$
end if
end if
dictionary$ = newDictionary$
end sub
sub setValueByName key$, value$
dictionary$ = "~key~"+key$+"~value~"+value$+dictionary$
end sub
function getValue$(key$)
getValue$ = chr$(0)
keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~"+key$)
if keyPosition > 0 then
keyPosition = keyPosition + 5 'skip over key tag
valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", keyPosition)
if valuePosition > 0 then
valuePosition = valuePosition + 7 'skip over value tag
endPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", valuePosition)
if endPosition > 0 then
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition)
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition)
end if
end if
end if
end function
sub loadKeys
keyList$ = getKeys$("~")
redim keys$(keyCount)
for item = 1 to keyCount
keys$(item-1) = word$(keyList$, item, "~")
next item
#main.keys "reload"
end sub
function fileExists(path$, filename$) ' Does file exist?
files path$, filename$, info$(
fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) > 0
end function
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
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