We need a subroutine to load the setup which we will call using GOSUB. We can call this right after we open the window.
open "Backup Utility" for window_nf as #main
gosub [loadSetup]
We want to know if the setup file exists. There is an example program called fileExists.bas that comes with the functions we need to check for file existence. We'll just grab those. Here they are:
'return a true if the file in fullPath$ exists, else return false
function fileExists(fullPath$)
files pathOnly$(fullPath$), filenameOnly$(fullPath$), info$()
fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) > 0
end function
'return just the directory path from a full file path
function pathOnly$(fullPath$)
pathOnly$ = fullPath$
while right$(pathOnly$, 1) <> "\" and pathOnly$ <> ""
pathOnly$ = left$(pathOnly$, len(pathOnly$)-1)
end function
'return just the filename from a full file path
function filenameOnly$(fullPath$)
pathLength = len(pathOnly$(fullPath$))
filenameOnly$ = right$(fullPath$, len(fullPath$)-pathLength)
end function
We will call the fileExists( ) function from our [loadSetup] subroutine. A really simple example of the data in our setup file would have a list of file paths, and end! marker for the end of that list of files, a single line with the desired destination path, and another line with the interval in seconds between backup attempts.
Example backupSetup.ini
Once we know the file exists we can open it up and read it, placing the information into the different fields in our GUI.
#main.listOfFiles "!cls";
if fileExists(setupPath$) then
open setupPath$ for input as #setup
while filename$ <> "end!"
line input #setup, filename$
if filename$ <> "" then
#main.listOfFiles filename$
end if
line input #setup, destination$
#main.destination destination$
line input #setup, interval
#main.interval interval
close #setup
end if
Here is the complete listing so far:
dim info$(10,10)
setupPath$ = DefaultDir$+"\backupsetup.ini"
WindowWidth = 560
WindowHeight = 460
statictext #main, "Files to backup:", 5, 5, 94, 20
texteditor #main.listOfFiles, 5, 26, 530, 95
statictext #main, "Destination folder:", 5, 132, 107, 20
textbox #main.destination, 115, 127, 420, 25
statictext #main, "Backup interval in seconds:", 5, 157, 163, 20
textbox #main.interval, 170, 152, 100, 25
button #main.save,"Save",[save], UL, 495, 152, 42, 25
button #main.start,"Start",[start], UL, 5, 187, 75, 25
button #main.stop,"Stop",[stop], UL, 90, 187, 70, 25
statictext #main, "Backup status log", 5, 217, 106, 20
texteditor #main.statusLog, 5, 237, 530, 160
menu #main, "Edit"
open "Backup Utility" for window_nf as #main
gosub [loadSetup]
#main.listOfFiles "!cls";
if fileExists(setupPath$) then
open setupPath$ for input as #setup
while filename$ <> ""
line input #setup, filename$
if filename$ <> "end!" then
#main.listOfFiles filename$
end if
line input #setup, destination$
#main.destination destination$
line input #setup, interval
#main.interval interval
close #setup
end if
'return a true if the file in fullPath$ exists, else return false
function fileExists(fullPath$)
files pathOnly$(fullPath$), filenameOnly$(fullPath$), info$()
fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) > 0
end function
'return just the directory path from a full file path
function pathOnly$(fullPath$)
pathOnly$ = fullPath$
while right$(pathOnly$, 1) <> "\" and pathOnly$ <> ""
pathOnly$ = left$(pathOnly$, len(pathOnly$)-1)
end function
'return just the filename from a full file path
function filenameOnly$(fullPath$)
pathLength = len(pathOnly$(fullPath$))
filenameOnly$ = right$(fullPath$, len(fullPath$)-pathLength)
end function