New features of Liberty BASIC v4.5.0
- Memory space raised to 1GB from 70MB
- Ctrl+click on a branch label or SUB name to jump to that place in the code
- Double click on a variable name or handle to highlight other occurences of that item in yellow
- New httpget$() function so now you can get a file from a webserver without API calls
- New string functions make it easier to do some things and with faster performance.
- upto$(sourceString$, search$
- after$(sourceString$, search$
- afterlast$(sourceString$, search$)
- endswith(sourceString$, search$)
- remchar$(sourceString$, removeThese$)
- Removed arbitrary limitations on the baud rates that can be specified when opening a serial port.
- Upgraded to NTPort v2.8 from v2.3 to add compatibility for 64-bit versions of Windows.
- The Liberty BASIC editor now remembers its size and location when you start LB.
- Added a filter bad characters feature in the LB editor help the compiler, especially when code is pasted in from a web browser.
- Increased the FILEDIALOG length of the file path from 128 to 260 which is the Windows file dialog maximum path length.
- Added FIND, FINDBACK, and RESETFIND commands to the text window and texteditor control.
- Added !backcolor and !forecolor commands to texteditor controls and text windows
- Several bug fixes