Here is a simple demo application for our keyed lookup library in development. It opens a window with keys on the left, and a text editor on the right. You can add new keys and edit the values for those keys by changing text on the right. The values are saved to the file dictionary.dat.
We will enhance this code for a couple more blog entries before we move on to some other project. :-)
WindowWidth = 555
WindowHeight = 438
dim keys$(1000)
dim info$(10, 10)
global dictionary$, keyCount, lastKey$
call readDictionary
texteditor #main.value, 175, 7, 360, 365
listbox #main.keys, keys$(), [keySelected], 5, 7, 160, 365
menu #main, "Key", "New", [newKey], "Delete", [deleteKey]
menu #main, "Edit"
open "Dictionary inspector" for window as #main
#main "trapclose [quit]"
#main.keys "singleclickselect"
#main.value "!autoresize";
call loadKeys
[main.inputLoop] 'wait here for input event
[newKey] 'ask the user for a new key
call saveValue
prompt "Enter a name for the key."; newKey$
if newKey$ <> "" then
call setValueByName newKey$, ""
call loadKeys
#main.keys "select "; newKey$
#main.value "!cls";
#main.value "!setfocus";
call writeDictionary
lastKey$ = newKey$
end if
[deleteKey] 'left for later
notice "Delete not implemented yet."
[keySelected] 'a key in the list was selected
call saveValue
#main.keys "selection? selectedKey$"
selectedValue$ = getValue$(selectedKey$)
#main.value "!contents selectedValue$";
lastKey$ = selectedKey$
[quit] 'End the program
call saveValue
close #main
sub saveValue 'if the value is changed, save it
if lastKey$ <> "" then
#main.value "!modified? modified$";
if modified$ = "true" then
#main.value "!contents? saveThisValue$";
call setValueByName lastKey$, saveThisValue$
call collectGarbage
call writeDictionary
end if
end if
end sub
function getKeys$(delimiter$)
global keyCount
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, "~key~" + key$) = 0 then
getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$
keyList$ = keyList$ + "~key~" + key$
keyCount = keyCount + 1
end if
end if
end function
sub writeDictionary
open "dictionary.dat" for output as #writeDict
print #writeDict, dictionary$
close #writeDict
end sub
sub readDictionary
if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "dictionary.dat") then
open "dictionary.dat" for input as #readDict
length = lof(#readDict)
dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length)
close #readDict
end if
end sub
sub collectGarbage
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, key$) = 0 then
value$ = getValue$(key$)
newDictionary$ = "~key~" + key$ + "~value~" + value$ + newDictionary$
keyList$ = keyList$ + key$
end if
end if
dictionary$ = newDictionary$
end sub
sub setValueByName key$, value$
dictionary$ = "~key~"+key$+"~value~"+value$+dictionary$
end sub
function getValue$(key$)
getValue$ = chr$(0)
keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~"+key$)
if keyPosition > 0 then
keyPosition = keyPosition + 5 'skip over key tag
valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", keyPosition)
if valuePosition > 0 then
valuePosition = valuePosition + 7 'skip over value tag
endPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", valuePosition)
if endPosition > 0 then
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition)
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition)
end if
end if
end if
end function
sub loadKeys
keyList$ = getKeys$("~")
redim keys$(keyCount)
for item = 1 to keyCount
keys$(item-1) = word$(keyList$, item, "~")
next item
#main.keys "reload"
end sub
function fileExists(path$, filename$) ' Does file exist?
files path$, filename$, info$(
fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) > 0
end function
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Friday, July 15, 2016
Dictionary lookup - getting the keys
When you have an array you can simply loop through the contents to examine what's there, but when you have a dictionary you need to have the list of keys so that you can look up each value in the dictionary. For that, we need a getKeys$() function. The following function returns a single string with the keys from our global dictionary$ variable, each separated by a delimiter that we can specify.
function getKeys$(delimiter$)
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, "~key~" + key$) = 0 then
getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$
keyList$ = keyList$ + "~key~" + key$
end if
end if
end function
Once have this string we can tease out each key. Here is an quick example that shows how to do this. The variable allKeys$ will hold all the keys, each separated by "~". Then we use the word$() function to get each key.
global dictionary$
call setValueByName "first", "Tom"
call setValueByName "last", "Thumb"
call setValueByName "phone", "555-555-1234"
allKeys$ = getKeys$("~")
print allKeys$
key = 1
while word$(allKeys$, key, "~") <> ""
key$ = word$(allKeys$, key, "~")
print "Key number "; key; " is "; key$
print " value = "; getValue$(key$)
key = key + 1
Here is what the resulting output looks.
Key number 1 is phone
value = 555-555-1234
Key number 2 is last
value = Thumb
Key number 3 is first
value = Tom
Notice that the keys do not come out in the order that we put them in. This is typical in dictionary style lookup mechanisms. The ordering of keys is not guaranteed.
function getKeys$(delimiter$)
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, "~key~" + key$) = 0 then
getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$
keyList$ = keyList$ + "~key~" + key$
end if
end if
end function
Once have this string we can tease out each key. Here is an quick example that shows how to do this. The variable allKeys$ will hold all the keys, each separated by "~". Then we use the word$() function to get each key.
global dictionary$
call setValueByName "first", "Tom"
call setValueByName "last", "Thumb"
call setValueByName "phone", "555-555-1234"
allKeys$ = getKeys$("~")
print allKeys$
key = 1
while word$(allKeys$, key, "~") <> ""
key$ = word$(allKeys$, key, "~")
print "Key number "; key; " is "; key$
print " value = "; getValue$(key$)
key = key + 1
Here is what the resulting output looks.
Key number 1 is phone
value = 555-555-1234
Key number 2 is last
value = Thumb
Key number 3 is first
value = Tom
Notice that the keys do not come out in the order that we put them in. This is typical in dictionary style lookup mechanisms. The ordering of keys is not guaranteed.
keyed lookup,
liberty basic,
lookup by name,
named lookup,
tips and tricks
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Dictionary lookup - saving to disk
One advantage of using our single string dictionary lookup technique is that saving to and reading from a disk file is amazingly simple. Just open the file and write the string.
sub writeDictionary
open "dictionary.dat" for output as #writeDict
print #writeDict, dictionary$
close #writeDict
end sub
Reading on the other hand requires a slightly more sophisticated technique. For example, if any of the keys or values have return characters in them then we want to make sure we read the whole file all the way to the end. For this we will use the input$() function.
sub readDictionary
open "dictionary.dat" for input as #readDict
length = lof(#readDict)
dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length)
close #readDict
end sub
The ability to preserve return characters is useful more for the values than for the keys, which for most applications will probably just be short one or two word names.
sub writeDictionary
open "dictionary.dat" for output as #writeDict
print #writeDict, dictionary$
close #writeDict
end sub
Reading on the other hand requires a slightly more sophisticated technique. For example, if any of the keys or values have return characters in them then we want to make sure we read the whole file all the way to the end. For this we will use the input$() function.
sub readDictionary
open "dictionary.dat" for input as #readDict
length = lof(#readDict)
dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length)
close #readDict
end sub
The ability to preserve return characters is useful more for the values than for the keys, which for most applications will probably just be short one or two word names.
data storage,
disk file,
keyed lookup,
liberty basic,
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Liberty BASIC on the Rosetta Code site
One of the members of our community forum posted about some graphics code that he wrote on the Rosetta Code site.
Here is his post.
I'm glad he posted about it just as a reminder to what a great resource the Rosetta Code site is. There are many, many code samples there to learn from. Check out this link.
And, if you'd like to get in on the action there are many Rosetta Code examples which have not yet been implemented in Liberty BASIC. For a list try this link:
These are implemented in other language on the Rosetta Code site so if you'd like to try your hand at writing one or more in Liberty BASIC there are examples to glean inspiration from.
Here is his post.
I'm glad he posted about it just as a reminder to what a great resource the Rosetta Code site is. There are many, many code samples there to learn from. Check out this link.
And, if you'd like to get in on the action there are many Rosetta Code examples which have not yet been implemented in Liberty BASIC. For a list try this link:
These are implemented in other language on the Rosetta Code site so if you'd like to try your hand at writing one or more in Liberty BASIC there are examples to glean inspiration from.
fun projects,
liberty basic,
rosetta code,
Monday, July 11, 2016
Dictionary lookup - Garbage collection
If we need to use our keyed dictionary lookup functions for a purpose where we will change the values for any or all keys the string we save in dictionary$ will get larger each time we set a key and value. This is because the setValueByName subroutine sets a key and value by adding onto the front of the dictionary$ variable but it does not remove any preexisting value for that key. So if for example I set a key of "storeFolder" and a value of "c:\myStoreFolder" and then later I change the value to "c:\myOtherFolder" I will have two different entries for the key "storeFolder". Only the latest value will be returned by the getValue$() function.
So, how do we fix this? We implement a garbage collector. We can create a subroutine that makes a copy of dictionary$ that only has the latest value for each key.
Here is a first stab at a garbage collector subroutine.
sub collectGarbage
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, key$) = 0 then
value$ = getValue$(key$)
newDictionary$ = "~key~" + key$ + "~value~" + value$ + newDictionary$
keyList$ = keyList$ + key$
end if
end if
dictionary$ = newDictionary$
end sub
So, how do we fix this? We implement a garbage collector. We can create a subroutine that makes a copy of dictionary$ that only has the latest value for each key.
Here is a first stab at a garbage collector subroutine.
sub collectGarbage
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, key$) = 0 then
value$ = getValue$(key$)
newDictionary$ = "~key~" + key$ + "~value~" + value$ + newDictionary$
keyList$ = keyList$ + key$
end if
end if
dictionary$ = newDictionary$
end sub
Friday, July 08, 2016
Keyed dictionary lookup in Liberty BASIC
Liberty BASIC has a way to manage collections of data by using arrays and you look up the information by numeric position. You can do a lot with this but it doesn't let you look up information by name.
We can provide an easy to use way to do this in Liberty BASIC by using the string functions of Liberty BASIC. By using a single string we can have easy lookup of values by name and also have the ability to store the collection of values in a file and retrieve it simply. In some versions of BASIC this is only useful for small lists of information because of string size limitations of 255. Liberty BASIC permits strings of millions of characters so this is not a problem.
Here is a very simple demo of the concept just to get us started. In future postings we will explain and enhance the way this works.
global dictionary$
call setValueByName "first", "Tom"
call setValueByName "last", "Thumb"
call setValueByName "phone", "555-555-1234"
print getValue$("last")
print getValue$("blah")
print getValue$("phone")
print getValue$("first")
sub setValueByName key$, value$
dictionary$ = "~key~"+key$+"~value~"+value$+dictionary$
end sub
function getValue$(key$)
getValue$ = chr$(0)
keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~"+key$)
if keyPosition > 0 then
keyPosition = keyPosition + 5 'skip over key tag
valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", keyPosition)
if valuePosition > 0 then
valuePosition = valuePosition + 7 'skip over value tag
endPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", valuePosition)
if endPosition > 0 then
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition)
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition)
end if
end if
end if
end function
We can provide an easy to use way to do this in Liberty BASIC by using the string functions of Liberty BASIC. By using a single string we can have easy lookup of values by name and also have the ability to store the collection of values in a file and retrieve it simply. In some versions of BASIC this is only useful for small lists of information because of string size limitations of 255. Liberty BASIC permits strings of millions of characters so this is not a problem.
Here is a very simple demo of the concept just to get us started. In future postings we will explain and enhance the way this works.
global dictionary$
call setValueByName "first", "Tom"
call setValueByName "last", "Thumb"
call setValueByName "phone", "555-555-1234"
print getValue$("last")
print getValue$("blah")
print getValue$("phone")
print getValue$("first")
sub setValueByName key$, value$
dictionary$ = "~key~"+key$+"~value~"+value$+dictionary$
end sub
function getValue$(key$)
getValue$ = chr$(0)
keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~"+key$)
if keyPosition > 0 then
keyPosition = keyPosition + 5 'skip over key tag
valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", keyPosition)
if valuePosition > 0 then
valuePosition = valuePosition + 7 'skip over value tag
endPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", valuePosition)
if endPosition > 0 then
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition)
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition)
end if
end if
end if
end function
Friday, July 01, 2016
Leveraging the lesson browser
Liberty BASIC has a cool feature that many people don't take advantage of. It's called the lesson browser. It allows you to create a collection of different programs in a single file arranged in an outline fashion along with comments for each program.
This is great for:
This is great for:
- Creating lessons (yeah)
- Sharing ideas with others
- Grouping related programs in a project
- Tracking the evolution of a program (a kind of versioning)
Here is a screenshot of the lesson browser in action. It is used to provide a tutorial and also example of new features of Liberty BASIC, but it can be used by users to create any collection of programs along with documentation.
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