The solution to this problem is to fully qualify the key names by adding the "~value~" tag into the detection code so that when we look for "name" we are actually looking for a match on "~key~name~value~" and not "~key~name", which would give us a false positive if we looking at any key that happened to start with "name"
Here is the fixed version of our dictionary inspector. Enjoy!
WindowWidth = 555
WindowHeight = 438
dim keys$(1000)
dim info$(10, 10)
global dictionary$, keyCount, lastKey$
call readDictionary
texteditor #main.value, 175, 7, 360, 365
listbox #main.keys, keys$(), [keySelected], 5, 7, 160, 365
menu #main, "Key", "New", [newKey], "Delete", [deleteKey]
menu #main, "Edit"
open "Dictionary inspector" for window as #main
#main "trapclose [quit]"
#main.keys "singleclickselect"
#main.value "!autoresize";
call loadKeys
[main.inputLoop] 'wait here for input event
[newKey] 'ask the user for a new key
call saveValue
prompt "Enter a name for the key."; newKey$
if newKey$ <> "" then
call setValueByName newKey$, ""
call loadKeys
#main.keys "select "; newKey$
#main.value "!cls";
#main.value "!setfocus";
call collectGarbage
call writeDictionary
lastKey$ = newKey$
end if
[deleteKey] 'left for later
notice "Delete not implemented yet."
[keySelected] 'a key in the list was selected
call saveValue
#main.keys "selection? selectedKey$"
selectedValue$ = getValue$(selectedKey$)
#main.value "!contents selectedValue$";
lastKey$ = selectedKey$
[quit] 'End the program
call saveValue
close #main
sub saveValue 'if the value is changed, save it
if lastKey$ <> "" then
#main.value "!modified? modified$";
if modified$ = "true" then
#main.value "!contents? saveThisValue$";
call setValueByName lastKey$, saveThisValue$
call collectGarbage
call writeDictionary
end if
end if
end sub
function getKeys$(delimiter$)
global keyCount
pointer = 1
while pointer <> 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, "~key~" + key$ + "~value~") = 0 then
getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$
keyList$ = keyList$ + "~key~" + key$
keyCount = keyCount + 1
end if
end if
end function
sub writeDictionary
open "dictionary.dat" for output as #writeDict
print #writeDict, dictionary$
close #writeDict
end sub
sub readDictionary
if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "dictionary.dat") then
open "dictionary.dat" for input as #readDict
length = lof(#readDict)
dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length)
close #readDict
end if
end sub
sub collectGarbage
pointer = 1
while pointer > 0
'get the next key
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", pointer)
if pointer then
keyPointer = pointer + 5
pointer = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", pointer)
key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer)
if instr(keyList$, "~key~" + key$ + "~value~") = 0 then
value$ = getValue$(key$)
newDictionary$ = "~key~" + key$ + "~value~" + value$ + newDictionary$
keyList$ = keyList$ + "~key~" + key$ + "~value~"
end if
end if
dictionary$ = newDictionary$
end sub
sub setValueByName key$, value$
dictionary$ = "~key~"+key$+"~value~"+value$+dictionary$
end sub
function getValue$(key$)
getValue$ = chr$(0)
keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~"+key$+"~value~")
if keyPosition > 0 then
keyPosition = keyPosition + 5 'skip over key tag
valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, "~value~", keyPosition)
if valuePosition > 0 then
valuePosition = valuePosition + 7 'skip over value tag
endPosition = instr(dictionary$, "~key~", valuePosition)
if endPosition > 0 then
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition)
getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition)
end if
end if
end if
end function
sub loadKeys
keyList$ = getKeys$("~")
redim keys$(keyCount)
for item = 1 to keyCount
keys$(item-1) = word$(keyList$, item, "~")
next item
#main.keys "reload"
end sub
function fileExists(path$, filename$) ' Does file exist?
files path$, filename$, info$(
fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) > 0
end function
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